Friday, August 12, 2011

Marriage is holy, so if you promise yourself to someone via marriage you shouldn't love another? DEBATE.?

I'm not into sharing. If someone is with me, they better be with me. If they wanna have threesomes and stuff, then I'm not going to be a part of it. Some think it spices up their marriage, but I believe that if you need to look elsewhere for thrills then you shouldn't be committed in any way.

What happens if a Gay person had an amnesia?

Will he still be gay? Will he remember being gay? I mean were there any past cases where a homosexual had an amnesia but still retain their flamboyant gayness?

Going back to school, appyling for grants?

My aunt is about 50, PA state and she wants to head back to school for like nursing or what not. How does she apply for grants. Does she have to do FAFSA? Can you please tell me what she might have to do to get grants/federal aid?

Does America have amnesia and a strong case of zenophobia?

Rose colored glasses on, have we? If you truly believe that we're all the same, I challenge you to live in Africa. They're 20 thousand years behind everyone else. I know. I lived there. They are NOT the same as me.

Does he like me? help?

Yes he definately likes you. You should flirt a little back to him and then he will most likely ask you out on a date:) Hope this helped

How Can I Write My Novel In First Person If, The Main Protagonist Has Amnesia?

In this story the main protagonist is hit hard on the head with a fire extinguisher resulting in him being knocked unconscious and also gets amnesia due to it, and the story is in first person. I need some way I can carry the story forward when the protagonist regains conscious, now the problem I'm having is that if the person has amnesia he's probably isn't going to remember anyone and therefore I'll probably have to say something like, a woman stood there no further than a couple of metres away ect... and nobody's going to know who she is because if the protagonist doesn't know then the reader won't know and everyone's going to get lost, so what would be the best way to write something like this? Would it be to describe the characters or still say who the people are so people don't get lost? Or do I get the other characters to tell the protagonist? Like for example the protagonist asks who they are and they tell him.

IS THIS A GOOD ENDING TO MY BOOK? (don't click if you are reading the book "finding ashton"!).?

Sound like a book I just rean called "Forget You" by Jeniffer Echoles but as if it happened to the guy, and their memory came back, I like violence it make stories more intersting, if you write it and I find it I'm pretty sure I would read it.

Is my marriage even worth saving (Please, I need honest opinions)?

I've been married for 2.5 years but I feel as though my marriage has run its course. I think I've come to the point where I just don't like my wife anymore. We've been together 6 years and the first couple were great, until I really got to know her. She's very possessive, bossy, has a temper, and don't even get me started on her jealously issues. She wants to be right about everything, even things that don't matter and takes everything too seriously and I'm tired of it. If I'm away for 5 minutes, she calls me non-stop and almost never has anything nice to say to me. She has 5 children, none of the dads are around, and I take care of all of them. I work hard, so she was stay home and be a "house wife" expect, I do all the cooking, cleaning, and yard work. You think I ever get any appreciation from my wife? No, but that's not the biggest problem. I have a 3 year old daughter and my wife completely refuses to accept her. We were dating at that time, and we had broken up for about 3 months. I ended up hooking up with my ex girlfriend and she got pregnant. It was completely unintentional, but I vowed to be a father to my child. My wife was furious for no reason. I get that I got someone else pregnant, but its not like I was cheating or anything. I can accept her 5 kids, but she can't accept my 1? I can't even bring my kid over here because my wife will have a fit, so I have to stay weekends at my mom's house so I can spend time with my own flesh and blood. I admit, I treat my daughter differently than the rest of the kids, but I really can't help it. I honestly don't know why I married her anymore, why I'm still here. Maybe its for the kids, but I know I don't have to put up with this. I've begged her to go to counseling or just sit down and talk to me countless times, but in her mind, nothing is wrong and she won't listen to me. Its like she doesn't care. I'm so drained from this that I feel like I can't even function.

Not a hate soapbox: Watching a movie called Tommy Boy...?

The scene I am at is a wedding scene. A non-secular person is officiating the wedding but at the conclusion of the vows the priest says "By the power vested in me by the state of ______ I now pronounce you man and wife"...that's where I got a little confused. Throughout history a select few groups of individuals had the traditional right to conduct a legitimate marriage. Why would a RC or Anglican minister require the permission of a secular institution to perform a religious tradition?

A vase just fell on my penis what should i do?

ok so i was in the toilet taking a piss then when i reached over to get toilet paper i knocked one of the vases on the window sill, it fell straight on my penis and broke now there are around 2-3 shards in my penis and blood is coming out, should i try to remove them then put band aids or what should i do? i live in a rural area so i can't see a doctor?

What do you think of the beginning of this book?

The book is about a girl who is a demigod but is a changeling so she dosen't know it yet. She has a protector who is also a demigod.the first book is all about how she finds out who she really is, and she has to make the decision between standing with the demigods who want to help their parents (the gods) or those who wish to stand against them and destroy them. This is the prologue I have always had these awful dreams, well not really dreams it is always the same dream over and over again. It started when I was 10 years old after the first of my disappearances. The weird thing is I can never remember what exactly happens. The first time all I remember was hearing something tapping on my window and the next thing I knew I was sitting on my steps with my mom crying and screaming that I had been gone for 3 weeks. That was the night I first had the dream. The dream is always the same, I am walking towards something but it keeps moving away and every time I almost see what is I wake up screaming. It wasn’t so bad at first I would only have the dream maybe once a month. Then I disappeared again, that time all I remember is walking to school and hearing something call my name and then everything went blank until I woke up on that same sidewalk. That time I had been gone for 5 weeks. My mom took me to the doctors and they said I had amnesia. That night the dream came back but this time I was running to whatever it was and I got a glimpse of it. It was a boy about my age, but when I woke up that was all I could remember. This time I had the dream about once a week. I was only 12 years old then. Then on my 15th birthday I was at a friend’s house when my last disappearance happened this time I didn’t remember a thing except waking up in my own backyard that time I was gone for only 2 weeks. For a few weeks I didn’t have the dream anymore I thought I was free. Then one night it came back except this time I was sprinting full speed to find the boy and again I would get a glimpse of him. But when I woke all I could remember was that he had vivid green eyes. From then on whenever I saw boy my age with green eyes I would do a double take but they were never him. I always wondered what the dreams were about and why I kept disappearing. Little did I know I would find out in little less than a month.

Writing our own vows-any advice? I have a million ideas but am having trouble organizing them:)?

write it from the heart. Tak about when u "knew" ur fiance was the one. Things u do together, What u love about them. The longer it is the more ur fiance will enjoy it but the more bored ur guests will be

My cat is sick,HELP!?

she is approx 10 weeks old , weak and shakes, not eating or drinking . i found her in a yard with a lot of other cats. i took her to the vet and they have no clue what is wrong with her . she tested neg for feline aids. any suggestions would be appreciated

What is the punishment for 2nd degree murder with amnesia?

This can be tough depending on the state laws and if there is a history of violent behavior etc.. On the individual and the severity of the actual crime. It would be also on the proof of intent or malice of forethought etc.. They would also have to prove the medical condition of amnesia and not a drug induced black out. I know that this may not be a full answer, but I would suggest to google to include your area you live in and see what cases come up for cases that apply to your area you reside. From what I had seen, most cases such as the one you are using, turn out to have more of a drug induced scenario and allot of times the suspect had some sort of connection to the victim and it was vary difficult to prove any sort of medical defense. Most folks as a minimum will be charged with 2nd degree. Hope this helps...

Will financial aid cover my LVN program?

the program costs 25,000, its a year long, i will qualify.. i qualified last year for 5,000 but i didnt use it.. will financial aid pay for the entire 25,000???, i dont wanna take out any loans..

Looking for a kool-aid man hat not on ebay?

im looking for one not on ebay because my mom doesn't trust them so im wondering if there is any other sight i can get it on

Financial Aid and college help!?

So my cousin is a little late on the whole college application process. She felt like she couldn't get into a good school and that she couldn't afford it anyways. Well I am currently enrolled into Newberry College with a Theatre scholarship for the upcoming fall semester. She hasn't taken the SAT yet, but I am signing her up for the October 1st test. She will be applying for the spring semester as an Art major. She is so talented and I am so proud of her for deciding to go to college instead of giving up. Anyways, long story short, does anyone know of any good scholarships or grants in South Carolina or any for Art majors. Also is a legit scholarship? Can anyone give me any advice on how to get her some more opportunities? if you need anymore information please just ask and I will add it... thanks so much everyone

Screenplay question: How many flashbacks are too many flashbacks?

I'm working on a script and the film has several flashbacks involved but I'm worried that there may be too many flashbacks which could bore the audience. The character has suffered amnesia and is slowly remembering things through her sleep.

If you have amnesia can you forget just one person?

my boyfriend and i are long distance. someone told me he was recently in a coma and remembers everyone except me. is that possible? or is he playing a really mean joke?

Does anybody know where I could get the Wall Street Journal?

I already checked at Barnes and Noble, Rite Aid, Walgreen's, and Walmart. I really need to find the July 3-9 2011 copy for school. Please help.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent won't open?

Amnesia: The Dark Descent will not open on my computer. It insists that my Graphics Card drivers are not up to date, however, I just updated them. This has been a persisting problem and I don't know what to do. None of my other computer games have this problem. I am running Windows 7, I got Amnesia off of Steam, and the graphics card is a Intel(R) HD Graphics. Thank you for the help.

What is the freakiest game you've ever played in your life?

half life 2 episode 2 has a mod called nightmare house wich is frickin scary and awesome at the same time

Movie about blood hunting monster building a demon with the blood, egyptian scarab ring?

What is that 1980's or 1990's movie about a blood-collecting monstrous dead man who is using the blood to build a demon because of a scarab ring that gives resurrection? A detective aids a woman find out about her dead husband's obsession with an ancient egyptian scarab ring that summons the demon's power rising the dead person from the tomb to collect blood from victims and bring the demon back to life.

Poll: Your favorite Miku Hatsune or other Vocaloid song?

So many just to hard mine has to be Google it or the world is mine or russian blue cat ahh i love there songs also black vow.. hm so many

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What does it mean When it says DDR3?

So guys What is DDR3? When ever I go on Amazon I look up Laptops dedicated graphics card, then it shows me a laptop that says 4GB of DDR3. Im hopeing it is the graphics card because I want to get a laptop with a good enough graphics card to play Amnesia on the laptop.

This is my first poem, does it look like one at all?

good start. put it in the magazine and get feedback. thats how you'll get better, and just keep writing and get more feedback. Also, read poetry of all kinds, anything from the classics to your classmates'.

Am I going to get sick for touching a pay phone?

I noticed when my cell phone died, I had to use a payphone but it wasnt working! IT LOOKED VERY DIRTY AND HAD GERMS EVERYWHERE ON THAT! Am I going to get a disease for touching a filthy payphone? I washed my hands but the fact that the payphone has not been cleaned for years and people touched it before, am I going to get sick with the germs or a disease? I am so worried I am going to get aids or something from touching a pay phone! Is this true?

In-laws never include me in anything?

I have been married for 3 years and from day one my in-laws have never included me in anything. My husband is in the military and we live 4 hours away from them and every time we go home they always offer to take him out to eat and go shopping with him and i'm left alone. Im also 4 months pregnant and his mother thinks she is gonna take my baby to go visit her family in another country and when I tell her no she gets all mad and defensive. They are renewing their vows and having a huge ceremony this weekend and I am not in it at all. My husband is walking down the aisle with his sister and cousins and I have to sit just like everyone else. I also have to drive myself to the church and the reception while my husband and everyone else in their family gets to ride in a limo. His mom also told me and my hubby 2 months ago that she was gonna buy my dress and that we were gonna go this past weekend to make sure it was gonna fit since my belly is growing now, and she never did. Didn't mention it at all. So I had to charge it on my credit card. All of the girls are also getting their hair and nails done that day and I know shes not gonna say anything to me about it. I'm having their first grandchild in December and I feel like such an outsider. They speak mostly spanish and I know alot of it but they will talk about me in front of them as if I don't know what they are saying and it really upsets me. My husband knows how I feel and agrees with me but hes a freaking mommas boy and god forbid he ever tell her shes wrong. My parents are also invited but I dont even want them to go because I know they will just be ignored the whole time like I am. I really don't even want to go anymore.

How do I make friends? Please help :/?

yu need too get out more, find someone that is outgoing and plays xbox.(: yu need too find something that will get your self-esteem. just get out there more.

I really need relationship advice?

Ok so me and my fianc� are perfect for each other in every way we never ever get in any fights except for one thing anal sex. We have never had sex we are waiting till we are married because we don't want to mess up what we have and also because I made a vow to myself not to have sex till marriage so you know I'm already scared to death of having sex but then he brings this into the mix. I am absolutely against anal sex, I think it gross and disgusting, I believe the vagina was made for sex and the *** was made for you know to s**t. I told him I didn't want to but he told me that it hurt his feelings that I don't want to. He says that I should want to make him happy, and that if I don't do this he might consider not marrying me. I said well if you really loved me you wouldn't throw away everything away we have just because of this issue. I really want to marry him but I feel like he doesn't care about how I feel I am giving him my freaking virginity and I agreed to do other things that I was turned off too but he won't back down form this. I am scared to death of this, I've heard that it hurts really bad and that you might have a accident if you know what I mean I would just die and would never want to have sex again if that happened. What do I do??????? Please help. Is anal sex really bad?? I really need help and pls don't say I'm gross or be rude to me I am against it but I don't wanna lose my fianc� either. I don't know what to do. :'(

I havnt slept in 3 days and idk what todo...?

I took a sleep aid and stayedup all night then when it became daytime I couldnt sleep, now its night agaim and I fell asleep for two hrs and woke up, once again unable to sleep! I feel exausted and idk what to do ...could something bewrong with me, I am.18

Im gonna flip! and its gonna be soon, need ideas on how to get away more?

the problem with my hole situation is that i'd say im different from my 6 halve brothers and sisters. when i say different, i mean im like a genius to them. i take take the same classes as my older sister. she is a seiner and im a freshman. with this greater amount of knowledge its easy er to perceive things for me. that is what i hate the most. because i have an abusive mother. used to be physical. everyone could see it. now its only verbal. unlike my Brothers and sisters, i am able to see whats really going on. im gonna make this part short. i have (a couple of times) been beaten really badly. i had to go to the hospital. that pain docent even come close to things my mother does now. p.s i was cutting myself at the age of 7. things for her are usually on or off. she be saying horrible things. or she wont. depending on her mood. recently (like yesterday) she broke up with her soon to be husband. he broke up with her because she is crazy. she wont admit that and get help. what she does do is blame her children. what sickens me the most is what i just heard 5 min mother said that she was SO! upset! about he didn't care about how she was depressed! this gets me. like so much so im pondering suicide Again. because you see, this makes her a hypocrite. we can never, i repeat NEVER go to her with any of our problems. she always have the same answer of "stop feeling sorry for yourself" or "i didn't raise my kids to feel sorry for themselves" nor feel sorry for others. most of wouldn't know what kind Of impact this would have on you, but getting that drilled into you head every day. it effects every decision in you entire life. hearing what she just aid is mind numbing. but if really think about it i thank and hate her for what she did on this one. its super helpful when you don't need someone to depend on, and at the same time heartbreaking. what i need is ideas on how to hang out with friends longer. we kinda have this every other day thing going, but i need an idea how to hang out more. this would be super helpful!


It needs more detail. Explain the car accident. Explain how she finds out about the car accident. What he looks like in detail. You want your readers to see what you are seeing. You want them to picture the accident, since so many things could have taken place. You want them to picture and feel the character opening the door and feeling vulnerable.

Computer game technical problem?

Hi! So I downloaded this game called Amnesia for the PC. It seemed to install fine and the game itself runs fine, but there is one problem. Every time the game is minimized to check something else, my mouse moves by itself all the way to the top left corner of my screen and WILL NOT move. There is no way for me to move it and do anything on my computer without restarting my computer. This only happens when I minimize the game while playing Amnesia. Any help on how to fix this would be much appreciated!

Student loans for transportation?

Okay so i'm going to be starting college (Tulsa Welding School) on Tuesday and I need reliable transportation since the only one i have right now is my brother and he won't be able to take me to school every day. I talked to the school's financial aid lady and I was able to get a 5k transportation and housing (basically I can do whatever i want with it, which I was planning on using for a car) loan with the original loan I had gotten to pay for the 7 months of the school's tuition. The problem with that is that the check takes 4-6 weeks to arrive so i'm gonna have to wait a month+ for it. So my question is if there's anywhere else I could apply that would give me a loan (not for tuition, i have that covered) to buy myself a car for school. I'm currently unemployed and have no credit so i'd like a loan where I could use my mom as a co-signer or if they don't check your credit which I highly doubt there are any out there that won't check your credit. And also one I won't have to start paying 'til 6 months after I graduate. So can somebody please help me out and give me some sites and info ? Thank you in advance

In a Texas common law marriage, with ceremony but no license, will a license alone make the marriage "legal"?

In other words, say you get married in a private ceremony in Texas but did not get a license, and meet all the legal requirements for a marriage license and later on decide to get a marriage license to make it "legal", do you have to go though another wedding ceremony before you are "legally married" according to statutory law? I am aware that common Iaw marriages are by definition legal by common law, but can't find out if statutory legality requires a repeat of public vows as well as a license.

Can amnesia: dark descent run on either a hp pavilion entertainment laptop or a dell dimension 8400?

i bought the game amnesia: dark descent from steam, but when installed on my laptop, it wouldnt launch because it said my graphics cards were out of date. and with the dell, it just says i have an error. can this be fixed?

Should I wait to get married to have the wedding of my dreams?

I have been in a relationship for over 3 years now, I got engaged last July so it's been almost a year. We decided to get maried Oct. 22, 2011. However, his dad got incarcerated a few months ago...My fiance decided he wanted to postpone the wedding until he was released, i said that was fine since he will be released in june of 2012....Come to find out june 2012 is his parole date and he could be denied and serve another year. I am 26 years old and want to be married before i have kids and i also don't want to be 40 with a 5 year old (no offense). We thought about getting married at the courthouse and then renewing our vows when his dad is released. I thought it would be easy but now i'm feeling very confused. I always wanted a big traditional wedding with all the works and now i'm thinking about saying I Do in front of a judge, not what i had in mind. I feel so lost because in a way I dont want to wait for his dad but I want this now. I also don't want regrets down the line. Should I wait until his dad is released and have the wedding of my dreams even though my clock is ticking or get married now? Please help me I dont know what to do...

If i were to ingest human breast milk, would it taste familiar?

All I know is when my little bro was littler, my mother gave me some breastmilk (in a cup) and it tasted like nothing I'd ever tasted before. Very sweet

Dying hair with Kool-Aid?

First of all, I have dirty blond hair and I was thinking about dying the end of my hair blue with Kool- Aid. Will it work or will the color come out wrong? Please tell me what you know from experience. Thank you!

What are the objectives of granting foreign aids to less developed countries?

Foreign aid is meant to be used to help the people of that developing country. It should be used to drill for water, build schools and hospitals or clinics. It should be used to allow them to be taught how to produce food for themselves and their families. It should be used to show these people how to keep from getting bit by mosquitoes so they don't get malaria. The biggest problem with foreign aid is that way too much of that money gets to the country and right into the pockets of the leaders of that country and not to the people in any way shape or form.

I am looking for practitioners in the southern oregon area who are not afraid to assitst me with revenge upon?

my ex recently left me and he is my soul mate and he has help form his sister, her friends and associates, and he is also being aided by state officials who have the nerve to thing that no matter how much i have done for him and no matter how much he owe me for all that i did do for him he has the gull to talk himself into believing that he no longer wanted to love me and he wanted to be a man whore/slutt and find other slutts to whore around with, and they seem to think that he should have that right and esp since he in not competant and i was put in charge over him by his doctor, because he is not competent, and all i get from the stupid establishment is that he has the right to, and that we can not interfier with "his rights to free choice" and that i should just except that and let him use me, and let me be controled like a pupet by him, the government, and tht so called"GOD or the COMIC" and have no power to have what or whom i want in my life and i want/need that to change, i need revenge on him for leaving and all of them for aiding me, and if possible i need him to come back. or suffer for not comming back.he is my soul mate and nobody understands that i need him to make my whole, and they dont understand that i should not be being forced to live without him. it isnt right or just,

Does anyone know this chapter in Faster Than a Kiss (manga)?

Its been driving me nuts! I'm looking for the chapter where Sensei get hit in the head with his old yearbook and has temporary amnesia. He forgets Fumino and refuses to believe that she is his but he still remembers his friends from up till highschool. I looked through every chapter and can't find it so I'm worried that this might on even be the right manga. If anyone knows which manga this scene is in or what chapter please answer!!! Thankyou!!! >_<

I might have a reason for you guys to watch Raw Tonight?

I was going to watch WWE anyway, but this thing about CM punk makes me wanna watch it less. CM Punk sucks!

I need help finding the title of a movie I watched several months ago.?

The couple was driving under a stoplight turning red and he made a wish that changed his life. His girl no longer knew him so he had to go to the newspaper where she worked and make her love him again.At the end of the movie they did finally get back together, it shows him waking up at their vow-renewal ceremony so everything turned out okay. Thanks for your help..

Son came out of the closet?

Our 16 year old told me and my wife tonight that he is a gay. I am shocked and we immediatel;y began telling him that his choice will destroy him and this will lead him to AIDS, loneliness and poverty. I have invested so much into his education and upbringing and now he lays this one on me. We told him we'd put him into counseling but he's refusing to go. No one else in our famioly will want anything to do with him due to his perversoon but as much as I hate what he's chosen do I want to kick him out? Our minister has told him if we keep him we won't be allowed back at the church. I'm afraid we'll have to kick him out..... but... Idk. what do you think?

How can you marry somebody but signed a pre-nup?

When you marry somebody you are suppose to spend the rest of your lives together. You take some serious vows "Until death do us part" "For better or WORSE" A pre-nup in my opinion is a signal of insecurity that you won't probably last and thats the TRUTH. Seriously if you are MARRYING them and you know this is the love of your life WHY do you need a pre-nup for "just in case"? I feel this way if you need to sign a contract to marry somebody it isn't genuine its a marrigae with uncertainity in it.. If you don't feel 500% sure this is it then do NOT marry them. Pre-nup=When we get divorced you cant have my sh*t and the vows "For better or worse, till death due us part." we took don't matter and insecurity...

What game console should i get?

I know that this question might be asked a lot but I have been wondering. I am a hardcore horror game player (resident evil,fatal frame,amnesia for a few examples) and i want to know what console would have more games that i might like and what those games would be. I am torn between a playstation 3 and a x-box 360. Sorry to bother with such an unnecessary question.

Help with Complex Partial Seizures?

I am a 22 year old male and I started having complex partial seizures at the age of 13. I never had any head injuries and have absolutely no clue why that they ever started but the first day I had them I probably had at Least ten. It scared me absolutely to death and I kept it a secret for a long time and finally I went to a neurologist and was diagnosed with frontal lobe complex partial seizures and was put on 2 seperate anti-seizure medications. My dosage was increased several times because of breakthrough seizures and at my peak I was on 13 pills a day (3 and 3 in the morning, 4 and 3 at night). Well in 2009 I lost 50 lbs and was totally off my medication for a year but still had seizures every few months and now I've put back on my weight and the seizures are the absolute worst that they've ever been. The symptoms are as follows- diziness, very odd tastes, lip smacking, talking out of my head, amnesia afterwards, sleepiness, depression, and panic. I don't know what to do and I'm having these 3 or 4 days out of the week. Please please help me!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What is the cure for amnesia?

Time. Amnesia occurs when the brain is traumatized in some way. Usually during head impact. Sometimes for others reasons. Best thing to do is to stimulate the person with familiar surroundings and people in order to jog their memory.

Is there a form you can fill out if your parents aren't giving you any financial aid help?

I'm a dependent according to FAFSA but my parents don't pay for anything. I'm beginning to accumulate allot of debt so I would like to get as much financial aid as possible : /

How can I get amnesia without hurting myself?

i'm trying to find the same thing. i want to start over. i'm willing to leave everything behind, even my boyfriend. maybe i'll go out with him if i get amnesia lol unless my taste in guys change

How soon should we renew our vows?

We had a small quick wedding... and when i say "small" i mean just a preacher in our church, bouquet, my very cheap dress and a small weekend honeymoon. Nothing else!! We want a real wedding, how soon do you think we should have one? Next year?

Any place in vegas i can plan a traditional wedding?

i live in vegas,nv and i have three girls aand i would like to know a church or chapel that does traditional weddings no vegas or anything and this is our vow renwal

Where can i buy amnesia the dark descent for pc?

ive played it at my friends house and seen videos but i dont know where to buy it please help thanks

Can I be considered an independent on my taxes?

So someone told me that I can only be considered an independent on my taxes if I'm married or emancipated and I would like to know if this is true. I'm 20 years old at the end of the month. I would like to file my taxes as an independent, because I'd rather my parents not find out about my career (webcam model), which I started this year. I'm on their health insurance, but will start paying for my own if this would affect my dependency. I will be paying for my own school, but I have to use their salary info on the FAFSA for student aid, though I'd be willing to pay for it out of pocket if the aid would affect my dependency (it's a community college, so it's not that expensive). In October of last year, I moved out to a different state to live with my boyfriend, and next month I will be moving in another state with my boyfriend and his parents.' I pay for all of my own bills and I've moved out 9 months ago (as a permanent move, not temporary). Can someone please tell me if I can be considered an independent, and if not what can I do to be considered an independent? Of course, I would talk it over with my parents and let them know that I'm claiming myself. I'm not sure when I'm going to school, but I'm going to try to in the fall or in the spring of next year. Thanks!

Please build be a good gaming Pc for 600$?

I got a fantastic PC from allPCzone (or for technicaly $587 (the computer itself was $467 but they don't come with operating systems so I had to buy W7 for $120)

My 8-year old desk top has a virus..what can I do?

download free trials of anti-virus software. its just as good as having the full version but these usually last 30 days or so

Would you divorce because of lack of sex?

Sex is one of the important things in a marriage or relationship the best thing is seek marriage counseling or talk with one another about it if your unhappy and if the relationship is not working then perhaps its time to move on.

Why is a destination wedding (renewal of vows) considered to be 'selfish'?

The original wedding is where they got input. This is your vow renewal. This is just for you and the hubby. You've done the best you could to include them. If they want to go, they'll go. If not, you go anyway. This isn't a gift grab. This is a renewal of YOUR vows. Not your family's.

Can I download these games more than once?

If I buy the games "Penumbra" and "Amnesia: The Dark Decent" from an online store, can I download them onto more than one computer? I have two computers at two different locations that I would like them on.

Any suggestions on how to include marriage equality in our vows?

I went to a wedding recently where it was said "Marriage is between one man and one woman" and it really irked me. We're a heterosexual couple but we're all for equal rights for homosexuals and believe they have the right to get married too. I want to add something saying that marriage is not just for one man and one woman. Anyone have any good ideas on how to say something like that?

Is the site ever coming back online?

One of the most fascinating sites on the web has been down for over a year now without any sign of ever coming back. Granted, it was controversial to American women but the foreign girls that I mentioned it to got a kick out of it and thought it was dead-on accurate with its depiction of American women. It was one of those rare gems on the web: a site with hard hitting facts about American women and their bizarre obsession with marriage. It told it how it is: American women have a huge sense of entitlement and manipulate their way into marriage by making things as nice as possible for their intended, but once the wedding vows take place, the "fun" is over - sometimes very abruptly. Isn't that the truth! That site even inspired me to break off the engagement with my soon to be wife in 2007. A real life-saver. So whatever happened to the site and why was it taken down?

I always sin, what should I do?

You could do what Jesus did in strictly obeying the Laws of Moses , or you could satisfy the whole reason you have an ape-man body , ( which is to survive in order to reproduce ) by marrying some lady who is half as attractive as you . But , what really works is to make the sincere covenant with the Father to always obey all of Jesus' sayings ( Greek text ) no matter what ; And because 99.99999% of all Christians refuse to believe that it is necessary to sell all , and always turn the other cheek they will in some subtle form persecute you enough to make you have to rely of God's help , which He wont give unless you are doing what Jesus told you to do .

Is it just me, or is the entire planet?

NWO wants to make so that there is no place to hide. No overseas bank shore bank accounts, no running away from the law etc. There is internet in remote tribes in South America and with invasive technology secrecy will be a thing of the past. Everyone will know everyones background information and criminal records. Big brother is here!

What is going to happen to me? Am i going to go to jail,loose my phone or go to a mental hospital?

I am in love with a man who i felt cared and liked me. I began texting him two years ago. He asked me to stop 4 or 5 times but i continued. I have a mental illness which causes obsessions and have neglect issues. I recently sent him a text and he took it to the magistrate. I couldn't seem to let go and say goodbye and text him 10 more times after hearing of the court date.I vowed to stop and have not been in contact anymore nor will and took blocked the texting feature off my phone.

Why do people think "hardness" and "toughness" are so important?

Well, I heard a review of a women's magazine survey a few years back that reported the number one attraction of a man to a woman was something to the extent of 'his dangerousness'. Go figure. It's best to not clear up this question about you with a lady, just as it is never to harm or threaten her. So what is it that fills her needed perception of this? Oh to be swallowed by a whale and show'er.

Would you be yourself if you had your memory wiped?

Surely if your memory was wiped, you wouldn't be you, because you are based upon what you have learnt and experienced, wouldn't you be someone else, a blank mind, it seems strange how I could see my family but have no idea who they are, it scares me to think, if i get some form of chronic amnesia, I may as well be dead,

Why would people rather have glasses than hearing aids?

hey i wear glasses and its not really bad at all, and losing your hearing causes a whole lot of problems, plus you don't lose all your sight

Should I change my financial aid information?

Ok I applied for financial aid and on the forms I needed to submit are transcripts from previous schools I had attended, I can get one but the other, from University of Phoenix, won't give me the transcripts until I finish paying off my loan with the which won't be until November and I need it by August, I'll be dropped from my classes, they wont give me anymore time, should I just remove the school from my fafsa?, I mean it's only for 2 classes that won't even go towards my major, just some worthless credits, I really want to start school and I can't pay them any faster (already making $262 payments) any suggestions?

How can I get sticky tape residue off my body?

I just had a baby via c-section and I had band aid and heavy duty medical tape all over my body. i.e.- tape on my leg to keep catheter inside,tape on my wrist for the IV fluids, and band aid on my other wrist and inner elbow from taking my blood. I've taken all the tape and band aids off but the sticky outer lines shaping the place they put the tape will not o away. I've tried the past 3 days in the shower to take it off with warm soap and water and trying to scrub it off,but to no avail. anyone have any ideas on how to get these stubborn black lines off my body?

Where do I buy a douchebag?

Men, who bottom during sexual intercourse, would use a "douchebag" to clean themselves before they get it on. Where do I buy one? Kmart, Walmart, Rite Aid, etc??

Healthy cheap drinks? trying to avoid sugary pops and juices.?

Are there any healthy cheap drinks I can get at the store or make easily? Something to replace all the pop juice and kool aid. I'm getting sick of milk and water and don't really want tea.

Working full-time adult on financial aid.?

I am going back to school and my EFC is 2187. The Cost of Attendance for a full year is $17,000, that's for a student not living with parents. Living with parents, it's $10,000. When I I filled out my FAFSA, I indicated I would be living off-campus. Anyone know the formula or calculator of how much financial aid I may possibly receive?

What all will happen?

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out in the morning and I'll admit I'm a little nervous. So a few questions.... How much will I forget(amnesia), I guess. And anything I should be prepared for just in case?

Should I have sex with my boyfriend? 10 Points!?

So I've been with this guy for almost one year (known him for 5 years) and we've made vows to each other to be together always (sounds corny but hey, that's love!) but we've been talking about having sex and all and it's my 1st time =\ (he's lost it with his ex and has only done it with her) so all I'm asking is, should I give it up? I really love this guy and I'm considering in spending the rest of my life with him but the thought of losing something I've kept for 20 years kinda makes me feel sad in a sense (yes, I'm a virgin, all those who oppose, gtfo, i've heard enough rude comments as it is). So any advice? Please don't say "it's up to me", I just need an opinion, try and put yourself in my shoes type of thing =] all ignorant and childish comments.....yea, you're gonna get a thumbs down and a gtfo troll comment =P

Is amnesia dark descent better than SH: Shattered Memories?

The two games have combat taken out of them to emphasize the meaning of true fear. But which out of the two is the most horrifying? I haven't played any of them, so i would like to know.

I really need relationship advice?

Ok so me and my fianc� are perfect for each other in every way we never ever get in any fights except for one thing anal sex. We have never had sex we are waiting till we are married because we don't want to mess up what we have and also because I made a vow to myself not to have sex till marriage so you know I'm already scared to death of having sex but then he brings this into the mix. I am absolutely against anal sex, I think it gross and disgusting, I believe the vagina was made for sex and the *** was made for you know to s**t. I told him I didn't want to but he told me that it hurt his feelings that I don't want to. He says that I should want to make him happy, and that if I don't do this he might consider not marrying me. I said well if you really loved me you wouldn't throw away everything away we have just because of this issue. I really want to marry him but I feel like he doesn't care about how I feel I am giving him my freaking virginity and I agreed to do other things that I was turned off too but he won't back down form this. I am scared to death of this, I've heard that it hurts really bad and that you might have a accident if you know what I mean I would just die and would never want to have sex again if that happened. What do I do??????? Please help. Is anal sex really bad?? I really need help and pls don't say I'm gross or be rude to me I am against it but I don't wanna lose my fianc� either. I don't know what to do. :'(

Do you believe we all have one true soul mate?

I agree with everything you said. I think two people can be really attracted to each other, but we don't each have ONE person in the world.

Why does Eric Holder keep pushing for terror trials in civilian courts?

Perhaps he doesn't want to adhere to the old adage "Inter Arma Silent Leges." Perhaps he wants Due Process during war, not just during peacetime. Perhaps he thinks it is high time for our laws to be consistent, and not use war as an excuse for inconsistency.

How do atheist weddings work?

Well I'm not getting married right now, but I am curious since I will be the first in my family to break from the church tradition. I know the justice of the peace does it, but how far will he, if he, travels to a wedding and what things are said including the vows and such, and if they aren't personal does religion have to be requested to not be included or what? I'm confused. Any help on pleasing those who are very religious in your family who will be attending would help too.

What was the situation/relationship of Russia and Germany During WWII?

they were fighting, some of my dads uncles were drafted in Germany and made to go fight in Russia, they were tortured or something, i may have met on eof them.

How to deal with your friend's friends, lol?

It sounds like you need to dump that bunch of losers and get a new friend group. Easier to do through internet sites like which has meetings for those interested in everything from computers to dogs, to hiking, to wine tasting and much more. Then there is the greatest dating site which is totally free with fun games and test if you choose to use them to discover your true personality. You can share these on your site or not depending what you want. Very fun and nice.

How come it happens to me?

I have this tingaling inside me. urging to u no, do it whenever i see boys. i have been the quiet one and the joked about one at school for too long. when i moved i vowed to change all of that and open myself to the world. i need help. i am lost in the modern world. sometimes i wish that i could be raped so my parents couldn't blame me and i would have been through the urge. Please, i need help. What's wrong with me?!

F.E.A.R. 3 or Silent Hill 3 or Silent Hill 4 or Doom 4?

I'm not sure if Silent Hills/Doom will scare you, but I will tell you that F.3.A.R. is NOT a scary game. It's quite fun but it's not a "horror game" per se. Neither is Dead Space 1 and 2, since they're more action oriented. DS and SH do have great atmosphere though. The soundscape of Dead Space is frightening at times. And one thing for sure: Amnesia will make you sh** your pants.

If you forget your sins, and you can't confess them, will God send us to hell?

My grandfather is a very strong Catholic and has been teaching me a lot when I was young. Later in life, I let my temper get the best of me and sinned a couple times. I also suffer from mild amnesia now (though some people don't believe me). This amnesia made me forget my sins, and I try to recall them, but I can't seem to be able to. Will, according to the Catholic beliefs, God send me to the lake of tormenting fire when I die?

I pulled out my little toenail, will it grow back?

Yeah it will grow back. I pulled out my pinky toe nail too before haha. It will just feel weird walking at first. Took me about 2 weeks. For it to grow back

Can Vampires Get Diabetes?

I've always wondered this. I know they can contract HIV and eventually AIDS from biting humans (and in Edward from Twilight case from unprotected gay sex) and die leading to the decrease of vampires in the San Fransisco area, but if they bite someone with diabetes do they contract diabetes or do they get that from eating to much junk food. Please explain.

Should I meet up with him?

I met this guy online and he seems sweet he is very attractive he is 22 and I am 20 he lives in California and I live in Chicago. He tells me he daydreams about me and about meeting and spending time together. I do too. We haven't known eachother for long but by the time I go to Cali we will have known eachother a good amount of time. The thing is he talks about making love playfully. I am a virgin and he had a 5 year old daughter. I'm excited to go and have the adventure and meet him but I'm afraid he would have expectations of me to sleep with him? Now I want to but I have vowed to save sex for marriage but I'm afraid if I go there and things happen then things happen. I'm not sure what to do a part of me wants the freedom and adventure of experience an the other side feels guilt and tells me to stop what do I do?

I want to get amnesia?

please help. I want to get amnesia but i don't know how to get it. I mean i don't know if there is a correct way to get it. So please help. I also hate my life.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Extremely High Nitrate Levels!!!?

Nitrate isn't harmful. Nitrites and Ammonia are. Although you are going to get an algae bloom with all that nitrate.

I need money and I'm 13 year old from a small town how can I make money?

Well you see I have a seat reserved at this people to people meeting and if I can get the money I will be going to Europe next summer for like 20 days. I no they have financial aid but the problem is my family can barely afford to pay the bills let alone finance this trip that costs including money to spend while I'm over there approximately 7,000 dollars. I'm only 13 and I need a way to make a lot of money before then. Any ideas that you have will be considered and welcomed thank you! :)

Diabetes or Aids. Why are some diabetics so, so thin?

My friend who was always in great shape back in college has diabetes. I had not seen him in 8 years and now he looks like a skeleton. How come some diabetics are so thin? I know people with diabetes and they don't look old and thin like him. He looks like he will blow away. When I mentioned his weight he acts as if he is not thin. I hate the way he looks, its so hard to be near him. I hate that I feel this way. Please show me a site where diabetics get really thin.

Amnesia the dark descent, is upside down how to fix this?

Flip your monitor upside down! jk. Here, try this forum on the topic that I found. This isn't spam, don't worry.

On Darwin and his theory of evolution?

you can search wikipedia for darwin and his work to find this info, except the second question about why it;s still valid today

I am a terrible person! I need insights and opinions PLEASE!!!!!!!!!?

I have never cheated before in my life! Almost Two years ago, I broke up with a guy that I had been seeing for ten years. The last 5 years, he emotionally and physically abused me! For the past 7 months, I have been seeing this wonderful man! He is what most girls dream of. Very caring, respectful, and shows how much he loves me every chance he gets!!! I have never felt so connected with someone before. At times, I think he deserves better than me!! I think of him 24/7 and am saddened when we are not in each others arms. I love him with all of my heart!!!! Last week, I went out with some friends and got blitzed....very blitzed! ( I know that this is not a valid excuse) I remember going to the bar, but I don't remember leaving. I don't remember getting in a dude's car, but I remember making out with him....telling him no when he wanted to take it to the next level, then getting out of his car. I don't remember driving home, and my next memory was me waking up in my bed the next morning. It took me a while to put the pieces of the night back together....and have been crying ever since remembering that I made out with this random guy. I have no idea what is wrong with me!!! I never onced strayed when I was with the guy that treated me like total crap, but cheated on Mr. Wonderful! I so want to take that night back, but I know that I cannot! This just proves my point that he does indeed deserve better than me :-( Is something like this ever forgivable??? I already vowed to not drink when I am not around him...or drink to the extent I did that night! And the weird thing is...I am not a big drinker to begin with, and the blackout moments scared me enough to not want to get drunk again, especially that since I have no recollection of driving!!!! Nasty comments are welcomed....I deserve them!!!

Song on So You Think You Can Dance?

there was a girl named Samantha on tonight (she was the one who fainted and had amnesia). does anyone know the name of the song/artist she danced to?

What anime has a character that's a girl...?

...with short green (teal?) hair that's brushed to the right, has a reddish-pinkish open shirt (like an open button up) with a black shirt underneath? I can't remember the show but if i remember right it was pretty good and I'm having an amnesia moment

Should New York Democrats generously donate to the 4 Republicans who bravely voted for Gay Marriage on Friday?

Well my guess is that Grisanti is out no matter what he does. He is in a very heavily Democratic district that he only won because his predecessor was probably the dumbest person to ever hold elected office in New York state. This may have been his only shot to get a second term..

Can this laptop to run games?

I really want to play games like amnesia: the dark descent and games like that..would this be an appropriate choice???

Scariest Xbox 360 game ?

I dont care about graphics or anything , just how much it will scare me. Preferably current but ill take any suggestions. I know about FEAR 3 and Amnesia , are either of those the scariest ? Thanks in advanced !

Are you raising you children in the dark? Are you afraid of the consequences?

Not at all!! You are a great parent for lettin your child know the truth! As long as you are also letting her know if the things you are explaing to her are right or wrong. Also about using Her knowledge during puberty she will have a lesser chance becasue she will not want to experiment simply because she has already known about the stuff and the kids that normally experiment are the ones that had never heard of the stuff before and want to try it wether it's sex drugs cheating on test anything so your parenting is very very smart and safe!! Wether she wants to listen to you is HER choice once she hits puberty.

What if I can't get one of my transcripts?

If you don't send transcripts from both colleges you will not be able to go to school there. Thats just the way it is. And you HAVE to report all colleges you have attended. Basically, you won't be going to college until you pay that debt off. Nor should you be allowed too.

Help with Scary Games?

Okay, so my friend wants to play a scary game..but he doesn't want it as bad or worse (if possible) then Amnesia. c: So anything less scarier then Amnesia would be nice. The game doesn't need to have a weapon. c: Please answer.

Can I get financial aid from the colleges in the USA through my SAT scores?

in order to get federal financial aid in the USA you must be a us citizen or eligible non-citizen. If you aren't, you wont get squat.

What do the top 10 USA cities with AIDS have in common?

Odd list, as I can't think of much that Columbia, South Carolina, and New York City have in common. It might be low income and educational levels, but you'd think places like Los Angeles and Chicago might be in there too. It's disproportionately Southern.

Belly ring? Could I have aids?

I bought a belly ring from amazon that said that it was shipped directly from fresh trends. It didn't say it was used. I've had my belly button pierced for 4 years. I didn't clean it before I put it in. Am I safe?

Canadian versions of american stores?

For one, Loblaws is like walmart, except it's Canadian. Dunno about others, but I'm sure you'll find lots of Canadian stores if you look around.

Can we all just pretend Bush never happened so we can get some good ol' cons back in power?

Republicans already pretend Bush never happened, will liberals please join in this collective amnesia? This way, we can get some contards elected. Then maybe they can quit stomping their feet and crying like little babies pretending like they care about deficits and the Constitution.

Ideas on what to wear for our renewal of vows ceremony in Central park in December?

Me and my husband are renewing our vows in Central park towards the end of December and I really have my heart set on wearing a tea length 50's style strapless dress, with a large fur shawl to wrap around my top half. But I have a feeling I will still be cold, but think I might be able to handle it?!!? Would really appreciate any other fashionable suggestions that would fit in with the look I'm going for, or just any ideas on what to wear in general!! Thanks

Could i get foodstamps?

You won't know until you make the application - you will be told what information you need to provide to show household income.

What's the scariest video game you've ever played?

Lately I've been playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent and that game is really freaking me out. D: I play it the way people told me to play it too, in a dark room, alone, with headphones instead of speakers.

Why do I kkeep seeing different versions of Harry Potter 6?

The Ollivander kidnapping, although it took place beforehand, was shown in DH1. The Unbreakable Vow scene did happen in Potter 6.

Can anyone please let me know the clear details of GMAT?

like when will the exam be? how many times we can write? Is the job experience is compulsory for all the universities? & about financial aid?

How do I get my husband with delusional disorder diagnosed?

I believe my husband has delusional disorder although he does not have a diagnosis. We are currently separated. He believes things about me and our relationship that are not true. A big part of what he believes is that although we are separated I actually have amnesia and if I would remember that I love him then we could get back together. I am over this relationship for separate reasons other than his mental health. I am worried about him escalating if he doesn't get help. I worry about what he could do to me or my children if I don't "remember". Aside from the things he believes about me he functions well.

My computer wont let me play one game, how can i fix?

So I recently got a new laptop (Satellite L655) and I have been able to play alot of games from steam so far like Terraria, Left 4 Dead 2, TF2, and Medal of honor (the newest one). but I had bought a game called amnesia off of steam and when ever I try to play it, it says there is a fatal error renderer #0. So I dont know if its my graphics card or my ram, but if it is my graphics card how can I get one?

How come Obama is using the War in Afghanistan to further his re-election?

Obama is selling out the troops in the field to regain points with his kook-left base. His tendencies of throwing people under the bus for political gain continues.

Why did the Villagers vow to drive Parris out of Salem?

I'm doing a video analysis for my History class and It's on The Salem Witch Trials, I've been searching but I can't seem to find out why the villagers of Salem vowed to drive Parris out of Salem?

Is it normal to masturbate to my gf pics?

so me and my gf have been on a break for a month or 2 and not been sexually active since then so it got to the point where i found some unintended "flattering" pics of her for some visual aid. One way or another she found out about id rather not go into detail, but she was pissed and creeped out by it. It started a big fight and i she asked if id done this to other girls pics i was honest with her and told her i used to do it to do it to girls i went to school with pics when i was 14 to like 16 and she became digusted with me, im 21 now and hers were the only ones iv done it to in years but shes still creeped out and thinks im disgusting and a pervert for what i did when i was a kid. I tryed telling her that its normal and most guys going through puberty do similar things but she still insists im a freak and allowing this to flush our 1 year relationship down the drain. So is she right am i a freak for what i did? I told her i wouldnt do it again and i wont but she doesnt trust me so what can i do to pull my relationship from the ashes? this girl really means alot to me.

Where is my neighbor's mind?

He had a severe concussion when he had a fall. It took months to recover. Has anyone had this type of injury with severe amnesia and how long until you felt normal or did you ever? Thanks.

Seaside fairground reception. my sister is not happy...?

Do what you want to do. It's not your sister's wedding nor is she the one paying for it. I'd say go for your idea. Let your sister make a fuss about it.

If you write your own vows do you still have to do the traditional ones?

It depends where you are saying your vows. Eg. if it was in a catholic church, you'd have to follow the traditional marriage ceremony, other churches might incorporate both traditional and your own vows. If it's a civil ceremony, you can pretty much do it the way you want.

Scared about eating dinner with boyfriends family.. help!!?

For the 4th of july my boyfriend and his family invited me over for a family dinner and fireworks after. The thing is, I'm super strict with what I eat. I used to be not very healthy and finally i've taken control over my life and I am a lot happier with my body and the food that I eat. Tomorrow there will be potato salad (mayo, mayo, mayo) lots of cakes, cookies, sugary lemon aid, etc. I really don't want to be rude and not eat, but I know that if I do i won't be happy with myself and i'll feel guilty. I can't just sit there and not eat though! they'll think i'm some snobby picky eater. UGH what do i do? :(

What do I do if I am emotionally stressted about my relationship?

I been with this wonderful girl for 6 years now. As a man I never thought I would feel this way about a woman ever in my life. I have had girlfriends before her and even though I am still young I hoenstly have this passion for her in my heart that I cannot deny and I never have. Since the beginning of our relationship she has never really shown emotion like an average female usualy does. I do not want to offend anyone I am just speaking off of my experiences and I have been with woman that have shown emotionally desire and compassion towards me while we were in a relationship but this particular girl I never saw that compasion. Resentment from falling in love with this girl and not seeing the same amount of emotion back caused me to cheat on her in the early stages of our relationship. When she chose to give me another chance which she DIDN'T HAVE TO. Even thought I swear on my life I would fight for this girl for the end not physically but emotionally. I have done everything I can provided financially been supportive in every situation that she can possibly come across and After all these years with this girl I cannot deny the feeling she gives me. I feel as if I fall in love with her for the first time I see her every time I see her. I long for her passion and just to look in her eyes. She is beyond beautiful and other man constantly hit on her all the time but that doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the emotional support that I do not get from her. I vowed to myself that I would never cheat again. I communicate and talk all the time to her and I even been to therapy. I feel like I am living my life infactuted with this girl that I have dreamed about all my life to be real in front of my life but not to love me the same way I love her. I would get into more detail but I don't want to seem to obvious. Any advice anyone has will be greatly apperciated. I love this girl with all my heart and I never will give up on her. I just want to know what to do when I feel depressed and lonely

What should I do when I'm on financial aid probation?

Okay I got a letter in the mail saying I'm on financial aid probation telling me that my GPA has dropped to a 1.47. I tried to sign up for classes but its not letting me. I'm going to call them and ask what I need to do but is the reason why I can't sign up for the classes I need because my GPA is a 1.47? I've never been this stressed out in my life.

Can an amnesia patient lose some of their memory again? if yes, tell me how or why?

It's possible depending on what is wrong with them. People with brain tumours can of course get worse again later. Those who had brain removed, say to help epilepsy, can as well if the disease starts attacking another segment of the storage area. If the person has severe depression and is having a course of ECT (electric shock) to improve things they can lose a bit more memory following each treatment. Dementia is a progressive disease so people with that tend to carry on getting worse.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Help with Steam Accounts!!?

You need to have separate installation of Steam for both accounts so it wont detect the same games he downloads to the same folder.

Has any one not found "amnesia" scary?

Amnesia is scary ALL the way through. Maybe I'm a timid, easily-scared person, but that's what I believe. I found it difficult even to get through the intro/tutorial part of the game, it was that horrifying to me

Does this sound like a good idea for my wedding?

Hi, I'm getting married in August, and instead of having the ceremony in the church, I thought it would be fun to have it at the gynecologist's. I could get a pap smear and hubby could get a prostate exam while we say our vows. Instead of tossing a bouquet of flowers for the ladies I could toss a speculum. Good idea of not?

Instead of the "Dream Act" why not the "Adoption Act"?

Very simple. The liberals want all the benefits but do not want to take responsibility or pay for these benefits. They want it on the backs of others. Makes you wonder who is going to pay for all this or will we become just another third world country.

What should be the penance for this guilt?

i hurt my father, very much by shouting and arguing with him.... i had been doing this for years, my father is very hurt, i have taken a vow not to get angry again, but no other girl in the world hurts her father like i do....i love my parents especially my father very much, but i dont know whther i took more freedom with them or whther they gave me enough freedom ...i hurt him to the point that he cried.

On A Hunt For A Book/Manga/Manhwa I Once Read?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Computer Desktop Help?

Canadian. Grab it from NCIX and custom pick your parts add the $50 assembly fee. Get twice the power for the same price and an actual quality power supply and no bloatware. Msg me if u need any help. They have a forums section. Just state your budget, like 10 pc guru's will build you a beast of a rig.

If I were to Continue to get a M.SN and Want to Work With AIDS patients, What sub-speciality Should I Go for?

I'd like to get my Masters in Nursing and work with AIDS patients. Which sub-speciality should I pursue?

What's up with Liberals' memories?

It seems they cannot remember Obama making promises past two weeks ago but can remember all the way back to Bush from January 2009. What's with the blackout in memory-Stimulus promises vs unemployment, closing Gitmo, Obama Care lowering health care premiums, hope and change vs current welfare rates and foreclosures, ending wars vs starting a new one, government transparency, ending patriot act, etc. What do you call this kind of amnesia that forgets selective blocks of time?

How to stop stepkids and husband from sucking the life out of me.?

Ive raised my step kids since they were 3&7,now 10&14.I have shared guardianship papers with court.I provided for them,rearranged work schedule,doctors,school etc.Provided and loved as my own.We have them every other week,sometimes weeks at a time.Most of my pay went to them.I became extremely ill last year from rare disorder and had to retire early. I have a 21 yr old and my spouse have a 2 yr old.Im expected to clean,,cook and care for the children when they are here, father is sleeping, works nights, that's fine.They are a joy,we had fun,but when they were not allowed to get their way(safety reasons, money, or i was sick)i was treated awful.Now, they don't listen, they yell at me,or cause my daughter harm,or yell and fight each other, i try to stop it,they wake their dad up & start making up stuff &wine to their dad, he starts calling me names, yelling at me.I hate to even say this, it hurts.They've lied on me to get their way with the other parents,played one against the other taught my 2 yr old curse words,hit her a few times, yell at her for crying, when i say something or try to give them a time out, they wake their dad up saying a bunch of lies then all three of them starts yelling at me!Ive went without food ,baths,basic Hygiene stuff because their dad gives them everything they want and himself what he wants most of the time,when they get something they just toss it, in meantime im doing without some of my medications, doctors visits. husband will only do things with kids. i medically cannot drive but im not dead and still young, i do what i can, I feel used by them,ive given money to their mom to help her out with so many things,(a christian southern gal) just because i thought it was the right thing to do..I keep giving into my husbands demands but i think dog pee is treated better than this.I believe in my vows, want to continue to love and cherish my family, but im getting a bad taste in my mouth now and beginning to get fed up with being expected to be someones maid while everyone tears up our home, treats me badly, oh yes, spouse even throws items of mine away without asking, important expensive stuff of mine , he doesn't even care when i say something. Ive talked, cried pleated begged tried to change everything i do, but the only thing that's changed is that im not the smiling, happy, girl anymore.I love them, but its affecting my health so bad and preventing me from doing things with the 2 yr old that i want to be doing.We've went to dinner twice since our honeymoon in 2007, hes had an affair in 2008and put us in bankruptcy. He isn't having an affair now,but maybe hes cloned me into a pushover and broke my spine. When i talk with him about it and make suggestions or let him make suggestions he tells m e everything is my fault and none of them do anything wrong. He left me unconscious twice on the floor few years ago , mom ended up getting me.Kind of scary.But he had an excuse or made it sound like i didn't know what i was talking about that he had to quickly care for the 2 yr old, i vaguely remember trying to crawl on porch and pressing my alarm button, that's when my mom came and i ended up in hospital for a few weeks. Now what. Please no negative comments unless its constructive criticism.I feel bad enough about speaking this loudly, this is my first time ever. Thanks,

Marriage has failed. Now what? I believe marriage has failed and never worked anyway .......?

Divorce rates skyrocketing when no fault divorce was invented is proof marriage was a social construct. You are completely right, and I agree with you.

Can i substitute blue Gatorade drink mix for blue kool aid for hair dye?

I cant find blue kool aid drink mixes anywhere! Then I just read that they've discontinued the drink mixes for the blue color only... so i noticed that i have blue Gatorade here in my home. Is it possible to use that instead? how intense would the color be?

What does it mean when a couple Renew Wedding Vows?

It doesn't mean anything. Wedding vows do not expire where they need to be renewed. (Ecclesiastes 5:4, 5; Matthew 5:37) Still, some people do it to show that if they could do it all over again, they would pick the same person. However, they would be better off and save a lot of money if they just told each other that privately one evening.

Anyone sick of the Astros?

Ive been an Astros fan for 15 years but now i am just tired of this crappy team,thinking about changing teams and vowing never to change again, what are your views on the Astros?

What manga has a girl who just woke from a coma with amnesia after taking a love potion from her professor?

It is a oneshot/sidestory and I can't remember the title. It has a girl and she woke up from her coma and apparently forgot everything. A man was basically caring for her during her coma and loves her very much. It turns out he was her biology professor and she is a university student ... he made her grade bad and told her that she has to take a love potion to pass the class so she can graduate. Anywho, they fell in love!

If Pacquiao was blonde with blue eyes, americans would've replaced the statue of liberty with him?

I'm a fan, but it is true and I don't blame Pacquiao at all. At this point in his career, he's picking the big money fights and I don't think he'd fight anyone who'd he think could give him a lot of trouble. I'm not suggesting he's running from anybody; he'd fight as long as if it's a big money fight. But you do have to admit Mosley, De la Hoya, Cotto, Margarito, and Hatton hadn't looked good in years.

Bleach; Neliel = Masochist?

If you watched it was her 2 comrades that taught her dirty words.. rewatch the anime and see how Ichigo and them scold her nakama for teaching her those words.. and she doesnt really know what it means she is a child.. it was just some comic relief by Oda... LOL im surprised u took that so seriously.. Oda is known to do that from time to time in bleach (like putting sexual references out of nowhere)

A movie about someone having amnesia and drawing people?

I remember he worked in a grocery store and time would stop and he would draw people. Just trying to figure it out. I remember watching it on netflix. HELP!

I dont want to have sex with my boyfriend, but its getting to that point?

Okay, first off-just because you're 17 doesn't mean it won't last beyond high school. Another thing, if you cheated on him, then he has the right to know with who. So tell him that you need to talk to him about something very serious because he deserves to know and you want to be honest. Just tell him everything, who you did it with and what all happened. You shouldn't have sex with someone just because you feel like you owe it to them, sex should be saved for when you really love someone. If the person you're with cares about you they'll understand. If someone ever tries to force you into it or pressure you, leave them because they're not worth it and there's lots of nice guys out there who will want more than just sex. I'm not going to lie, your boyfriend could end up breaking up with you and if he does, you'll have to respect why he did it. Oh, and if you feel like things are heating up too fast, let the person you're with know that and tell them you want to slow it down or that you're okay with certain things but don't want it to lead to sex because you want to wait for that. So just let your boyfriend know, okay? I know it'll be hard and scary for you but he deserves to know the truth, it's the right thing to do. If he did something like that to you, you'd most likely want to know about it. Cheating is a horrible thing, don't do it again-learn from your mistake.

The girl i like has "commitment issues"?? good or bad?

i had commitment issues. i never stayed with a guy for more than a month or two and was always getting bored within a few days. it was always the thrill of the chase, for me. then i met my current boyfriend and fell hard. we've been together for almost two years and i've never looked at another man the way i look at him. maybe you'll be that guy for her? best of luck.

Im not sexually attracted to my husband anymore?

I take my wedding vows very seriously,and I don't want to walk away from my marriage but Im just not sexually attracted to my husband anymore,anyone else in this situation? What do I do to fix this? any suggestions would be helpfull.SERIOUS REPLYS ONLY PLEASE

Is it copyrighting if you write a book that's almost exsactly the same plot as a video game?

I found a old story that I wrote when I was 9 that Is pretty close to a game. I'm not planning on publishing it I'm just wondering if that's copyrighting. Oh the game is amnesia: Justine.

Do you think my sister is upset based on this poem?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is Amnesia: Dark Descent scary?

I'm watching Toby Turner play it on YouTube and everyone's saying get a spare pair of underwear or that they couldn't finish the game. Should I be worried, because I scare real easy...

What options are the best to get the most financial aid?

File as an independent get any one who will say you rent a room from them as an independent it only goes on your income

Seniors, did you write your own wedding vows?

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Glasses or hearing aids?

I'm guessing U have no clue as to how much a hearing aid cost..OMG..its out of control...glasses may be noticeable but they are cute...a hearing aid on someone who isn't a little child or a senior just wrong on all levels..

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What does Ivy Sedation Feel Like?

I am in the dental field. I.V. Sedation (Intravenous Sedation) is different for everyone. I have been put on it and can tell you my experience. It depends how much they give you. You are not completely "out", you will be awake at all times so you can respond to commands such as "open/close" or "turn your head" or "are you ok?" but you won't necessarily remember anything. My first time I was put on it during getting my wisdom teeth taken out. I didn't remember a thing. Just falling "asleep" and waking up again. My second time I was a dental assistant getting a little filling done and wanted to have it given to me, but the dosage was not nearly as much as the first time. I remember bits and pieces but that's about it. They will give you enough so that you won't remember the procedure. Afterwards you feel SO loopy! You won't be able to drive, you will say funny things, and you will be tired. Have someone videotape you as you are walking out and getting in the car. Have you ever watched "David goes to the dentist" on youtube? Haha you should. :-)

Should I sell my xbox 360?

I have been getting more into Pc gaming than Xbox. And I was thinking of getting a Asus Essentio CG1330 desktop. Or a Asus G73SW laptop. I am not sure what I want just yet. But I want to sell the games that I can play on the Pc that I have for the Xbox. And I've been thinking of selling my Xbox and the 360 exclusives too. But I don't know if its worth it. None of my friends are big Pc gamers. The system I have is the original white 360 with a 120 Gb hard drive. All the games I have are: Fallout New Vegas, Mortal Kombat 9, Portal 2, Borderlands Game of the Year, Dead Space 2, Halo Reach, Cod Black Ops, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Phantasy Star Universe, Left 4 Dead 2, Halo 3 ODST, Halo Wars, Halo 3, Halo 2, Halo Combat Evolved, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Crysis 2, Homefront, and Bulletstorm. So I love playing them with my friends but at the same time I am getting tired of just mostly FPSs. And I am getting into games like Rift, WoW, Amnesia, ect. The laptop I have now struggles with Rift and WoW. And I cant even play Amnesia. So I'm at a stand still with this. I can't ask my friends because they will just say stay on xbox. Also my birthday is coming up (Aug. 1st 1993). So I will get money from my parents. Just only $100-250. So I would really love your opinions on this matter. And if you think that the two computers I have up aren't all that good I would appreciate it if you would recommend others to me. Just please look at the stats of the two I want first. Thank you.

Movie about doppelgangers?

I need help figuring out the name of this movie. I don't remember all of it only some parts. There is this woman I think she might be a doctor or something. Apparently the doppelgangers are trying to take over or something like that. I think she might of had amnesia. She is trying to stop the doppelgangers or something like that. Then she realizes that she is the doppelganger. There is some kind of mirror world where everything is the opposite. If the person is good then the other is bad. I think that's the movie was about. Please help I've been trying to figure out for days!

Beautiful place to renew wedding vows?

My husband and I are looking for a place to renew our vows next summer 2012. We are bringing our children also (next year they will be 1 and 3yrs old) .. Somewhere close to PA or Delaware beaches? We will be driving and live around Lancaster, PA.. will drive far if its the right spot! It will be just us and our kids so something slightly romantic but more just beautiful scenery! If anyone can help please do! Thanks :)

Do you support Mages or Templars? (Dragon Age 2)?

As previously stated, this is addressed to players of Dragon Age 2. (Spoiler Alerts Follow) Simply by playing through the first act, it doesn't take a genius to deduce that the templars and mages are tearing apart Kirkwall. Not all mages are evil true enough, but there are enough maleficar running about causing sufficient chaos to make people fear them for justifiable reasons. I have heard the "they only turn to blood magic in defense" argument, but certainly enough has been gathered from doing side quests that many of them truly are dangerous and power hungry; Tahrone desired to overthrow Kirkwall and destroy the templars, as did Grace who, even though some were gracious enough to spare her (including me), continued to desire the complete destruction of the Templars and the domination of Kirkwall by mages. It's sad that many of them truly are good people, but simply setting them free is highly impractical, and will likely result in another Tevinter Imperium; how many mages wil simply be satisfied with freedom forever? No mage will ever be free of temptation, no matter how hard they may resist it. The reason alone that not all mages are evil and power hungry is reason enough to classify Fenris as foolish in my opinion: judging an entire group based on the actions of some of them is not wise at all, no matter how difficult a past the judging person may have had. Similarly, not all templars are pure evil: even Bethany (if she is forced into the circle) admits that she respects the Templars and most of them are simply doing a job, and are actually polite. The worst one I've seen throughout the campaign is Ser Alrik: he was truly evil I'll admit since, if I'm correct, he made mages tranquil so he could rape them. However, even the prejudiced Ser Cullen changed his habits in the end (if you side with the Templars, he advocates sparing mages that have surrendered despite Meredith's objections), he also had enough courage to stand up to her in the end. Ser Thrask was also actually a very good person; he sympathizes with the mages' plight and he even has a daughter who is a mage; he also ends up leading a rebellion against Meredith and pays with his life and wanted to spare the renegade mages from Starkhaven. The reason alone that there are actually some good Templars in the world is, similarly with Fenris, enough to classify Anders as a fool. He truly believes freedom for mages is simple; he believes killing Templars is completely justifiable in every case, and even advocates it; there is no better example that the mages are no better than the Templars than Anders, he stooped to "their level" by blowing up a Chantry with innocent people inside; he is basically a Jihadist, no matter how good a person he may have been before the "Justice Incident". For the record, I sided with the mages in the end, mostly because the Circle was blameless in the destruction of the Chantry, and murdering them all wasn't something I felt comfortable with. Thusly, if my Warden/Hawke is ever elected as Supreme Ruler of Thedas (crosses fingers) this would be my plan. The Circle would become more of a school than a prison/home, educating mages in the beneficial application of their power as opposed to evil application. Once the mages have graduated, they may move back home, start a family, etc..., maybe even receive financial aid from the Chantry to start out. The Templars would enact some minor supervision, such as occasional inspections or curfew; as nice as it would be, absolute freedom is not practical and therefore middle ground must be found. The Tranquil idea would be completely thrown out; the mages will stay in the tower until they are truly prepared to complete their Harrowings; Tranquility is truly cruel. Feel free to leave your opinions/ideas, and I thank you if you took the time to read what was basically an essay :)

RHH: what would you do if biggie smalls smacked you're mom in the face?

first he starts flying at the movie theaters and he steals 2pacs macoroni and cheese then 2pacs like yo man not cool wooaaah. and biggie is like i vow to smack everyones mom in the face.. so then he starts flying but then he get's eatin by lil wayne but then eminem screams at lil wayne so lil wayne throws up and biggie is like yo busta you gonna get a cap popped in yo face nahhhmeaan. and then lil wayne dies and then you eat youre phone and get arrested and when youre in jail the police guy says you got one phone call so you call youre mom and she goe's, help me!!! biggie is smacking me in the face. then you are like woahhh... not cool so then you take your eyeballs out so you can smell them and when you do that you start freakin out and youre leges get numb and then you realise youre a girraffe the entire time!!!! the entire time you were a GIRRAFFE!!!!!!

Downloaded Amnesia: The Dark Descent off of amazon, but keeps crashing?

I just purchased the download for Amnesia off of amazon for 5 dollars. I keep trying to launch the game but it just crashes. Anyone know how to fix this? Thanks!

Opinions please??????

Its really good. Theres only, like, one spot that doesnt seem to flow that good. But yeah, i love it.

I hit my toenail pretty hard and it's radiating heat?

I had something like this last summer. Firstly, do NOT panic. Toenails grow back. You have a 50-50 chance of keeping your toenail on if you, secondly, do not touch it unless you are applying disinfectant ( try rubbing alchohol, it'll sting like hell, but it works really well, trust me!!) or changing the bandaids. You must change the bandaids every so often or else do not use them at all, or you'll only keep the infection where it is. Good luck and may a happy, non- infected toe come back to you soon! :)

How does gay marriage ruin the sanctity of marriage but divorce doesn't?

I just don't really understand people's view on this. Like the hardcore religious people say how gay marriage ruins it's sanctity but isn't it worse to get married and then take it back later, so you're essentially lying to god in your vows right? can anyone let me know other people points of view on that? thanks

Can I get HIV aids while having unprotected sex for 5 seconds at the beginning?

yes. and the earliest is probably 3-4 months, even though the signs could possibly be hidden for up to 10 years

Mass Amnesia, does it exist?

thats a terrible disease that occurs from not having a y chromosome, it is more commonly know as being a woman. women feel as though they are never wrong

What ps3 horror games would you recommend?

Bioshock 2! I loved Bioshock 1 and 2 was pretty legendary too, although it doesn't fit into your little or no means of defending criteria its still worth a play. Used to give me a fright every time one of the undead popped up from around a corner! haha

Is it silly to say no sex before marriage when your not a virgin?

I had sex and haven't been married but now I'm sick of being used for sex and want to take out a no sex before marriage vow? Is it too late?

Do tampons hurt when you insert them ? Girls Only !?

Ok so I'm only twelve and I've already had my period a few times before but I've only used pads.The problem is is that I swim a lot and my family and I love going to the beach and waterparks and all that. What ruins the whole thing is the period. My mom vowed never to let me use tampons till I was way older but changed her mind because of how I much I loved going into swimming etc. She now wants me to use tampons. I'm really scared that it will hurt after all you have to insert it in well you know and that kinda creeps me out. Help ?

Amnesia Problem?! Help me!!!?

I have Amnesia game & when i run it, it shows a massage: could not displaymode & 640*480 is used instead! What should I do?!

What should I get my girly tomboy friend?

Wells and 2 other friends made this vow thing that we would all get eachother gifts. I absolutely love Lady GaGa and wanted to by her new album Born This Way..but my parents forbid me to by it cause they're homophobic or something. Anywho I told that story to my friend and a few weeks later guess what gift they got me?! Born This Way! I was really happy to get it and appreciate the gift so much by i don't know what to buy her in return. She's kinda like a tomboy but she doesn't play sports. She likes fashion kinda I guess but seriously I have no clue what to get her...

Help, husband wants a divorce after 23 years for stupid reason?

We have been married for over 23 years and have 2 adult children. He is asking for a divorce so can try things sexually that I have refused before he gets too old to even have sex. That is the reason he is giving me which is just stupid. Nothing else is really wrong in our marriage we get along great and have a fairly active sex life (have sex a few times a week). He even told me that wants the divorce to be as amicable as possible and would feel horrible if we at least could not remain friends. His reasoning is that its better to divorce and do this then cheat on me and break his vows. So says be better if we were to divorce and then he can explore the things that I have turned down all of these years sexually. They are nothing real extreme like as in not BD or SM stuff. He swears not using this as some sort of threat to get me to do something I do not want to do. That is why thinks it best to divorce rather then cheat or keep asking since its obvious never going to happen with me. Its not that he brings the subject up all the time that's why it shocked me that has said this now. In fact last time he even asked for one of these things was months ago. Rather then avoiding the question that you might have its oral and anal that he has asked for since we gotten married. Like said he does not ask all the time but I have told him that will not do either. He has done oral on me and says he enjoys it so does it fairly often. I just think its disgusting as is anal that's why have always said no. Still am in shock that he is willing to just throw away all these years for something so silly. Like said we talk every day, tell each other we love each other daily, hold hands when out and many other romantic things. I love him with all my heart and he says that loves me as much as well.

Federal Pell Grant Question? Owing another online college money?

Are you enrolled in less than full time classes? If you are taking less than FT that would be a reason the award was lowered. By law, we cannot award FT aid if you are taking less than FT.

Looking for a good survival horror game?

look for a game like amnesia the dark descent i dont want it to be like a shooter game i want it to be a game where its more hiding or building a barricade or secret passage stuff also of big thing that i love is like in amnesia you have that open hand thing that lets u grab and interact with stuff

Friend going on a beverage-only (NOT water-only) diet. Opinions?

For the calorie intake she will be injesting, she would be better off with veggies..healthier and can be done with less calories.

Walking on the roof in a game, why? How do i fix?[its not normal]?

i downlaoded a pirated version of amnesia and it worked for everyone els ebut not me, im wlaking on teh roof anf the graphics are pretty fkd. Are their any settings i can change.

Financial aid and scholarships ?!?

I have done so much reading on financial aid but i just don't understand. How exactly does it work? Like, I need to apply for it but I may not receive it? Also, looked for several scholarships at my guidance office and i apply for many. But I also want to apply for more, but I know it's sketchy to just search them online. My neurologist said to look online for seizure scholarships because I am epileptic. She gave me a paper for one but said i could find so many others online. Where all could I find them? & other scholarships for that matter. I am planning on going to an out of state college and my family is very tight on money. My brother was diagnosed with cancer last year and we can barely afford to get by as it is now. I have a job and I am working so hard to get money but I know my best bet is to apply for a bunch of scholarships also. Help! Please and thank you.

Ok I need help on what game I picked to get?

Ok I found. alan wake, deadly prenition, dead space, bioshock, amnesia the dark descent, penumbra black plague, or one of the condemned games . I can only get 4 games which ones do u think I should looking for the most scariest and best story. Thank u for answering!

University of Michigan or UMass Amherst?

I would take the full scholarship because UMass is a good school too, and as long as you do well at either school, you will get a job and once you have that job, the name on your degree doesn't matter after that, so save yourself the debt.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why does he keep doing this, He keeps calling me a B. I .T .C .H.?

ok so i've been dating my boyfriend for about a month, were both 16. for the past two days or so i've been ignoring him because he's been calling me a btch. he was " btch when u gonna let me fck" and he knows im keeping my virginity 'til im married. he said " btch why u ignoring me" and i said thats the reason right there you keep calling me a btch do i look like a animal to u and he started laughing then he texted me like 30 - 1hr later saying "why ignoring me btch?" and i said you know what btch im tired of your *** calling me a btch so im going to keep calling u a btch back. he said "btch fcck u too bad i dont care bout u no more, i hope u fcck a dude and he got aids. i hope u die btch". and some other stuff . i said from the looks of it u might already have aids the way you keep flirting with chicks ho. and if i did lose my virginity to you i probably wou;d have caught something btch. and he got mad and keep spamming my inbox so i deleted his number and deleted all hi messages he was sending withh out reading. so he told my associatete me "btches not sht but hos and tricks, too bad i pimp btches". when he was the one begging me to go out -.- . i could have told he was butt hurt when i blew up on him for calling me a female dog. but i want to know why he did that . . .

Does anybody know the name of this Video game classic?

you're being a dolphin who gets washed up on Beachville Beach and has amnesia and a lion walks up to the dolphin who can talk and offers to help the dolphin get his memory back. so Dolphy the dolphin gives leon the lion advice on how to swim and he gives him an astronaut suit so he can go in the ocean. So then they reanacted how dolphy got washed up till they got it right. it took me about 45 times.

This is a character for a manga i'm writing, what do you think?

I think it sounds interesting, and I like how you make her different. She has flaws as well, seeing as she has many negative qualities. Doesn't sound like a Mary-Sue. I still do not get the exact plotline so I can't exactly say if she fits in well, but my guess is that she's fine. Is she the main character?

What do you think about this?

Cancer is a disease of cells that run amok. You are talking about sensationalism and brutality. What I think is you are wasting a lot of time on something that is only negative energy. That in itself is depleting.

Can I use grants given to me for one year for my whole tuition?

I live in North Carolina, and I just got my award letter from financial aid. They offered me 1300 in Pell Grants, 2100 from the North Carolina education lottery scholarship, and 950 from the North Carolina Community College Grant. All of that money covers A LOT of the overall tuition I will need for my associates degree. I was also approved for a 3500 subsidized loan and 2000 for an unsubsidized loan. Can I do the math, and just keep however much of the loan I will need left over for books? The grants are about 300 bucks short of my credit hour tuition for the 2 years so I just need money for books. Here's why I'm looking to do this. I got lucky and they let me file only my moms income because her and her husband were separated when she filed the fafsa. If I reapply for the next year I will not be given money because they are back together, they make too much together. I won't be able to claim my own income until the spring of 2013 because I'm getting married august next year. So can I not just save whatever they refund me from my grants for mosy of my tuition and not reapply??

Help Use nVidia ION for gaming?

I bought an Asus EEE PC 1015PN and I managed to use it for some games like Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper but I wanted to know about options for using it with more demanding games. Is there any way I could increase the performance so that my computer can do more HD gaming with nVidia ION platform?

Ok, so I'm on my aunt's account, and I want to know, would you trust me to babysit your children?

I am thirteen years old with two little siblings I've been left alone with to take care of since I was ten years old, along with my four younger cousins. I still take care of all of them. I have taken care of infants and toddlers, and school age children, up to eleven, the age of my younger siblings now. I work in the nursery at my church. I really want to become a babysitter for people at my church and people in my small town. There are no laws for the age of babysitters in my state, I have checked. I have my first aid training and I am hoping to get CPR soon. Would you trust me to babysit your children?

Vow of celibacy - tips?

What's the point? Sex and sexual thoughts are completely natural. You're denying a very human part of yourself... But if you feel that if this experience will strengthen your spirit and bring you closer to your deity, then I wish all the luck to you. It must be tough. Try to focus on other things that bring you joy and stay away from things that may remind you of sexual desires (even a hot actor if you're watching a movie!)

I'm looking for this manga..... please help?

Well I'm looking for this manga i forgot the name of it its about this detective who finds a girl at a murder scene she doesn't know how she got there, then they later find out she has amnesia and is living in a hospital she can also see spirits/ghost she always appears out of nowhere ends up helping solve murder cases and stuff......please help!! I'm so frustrated trying to find it bout to punch a wall!

Does this means that I'm going to receive financial aid?

yes that is what that means. Keep in mind that the term "finanical aid" is a very broad term that is usually loans and parent loans. It does not mean you are nec going to get free money.

How much and how fast does using Lemon to lighten your hair work?

No, it does NOT lighten your hair. I think so many people get confused and think that it will actually dye your hair but it doesn't. It just brings out the natural highlights from your hair. And you have to be in the sun like ALL day. I have dark brown hair and I dyed the underneath with koolaid. It works. You don't need to lighten it first. But beware! Koolaid stains your hair! It's not going to wash out after a month like it says! Mines been in since like may and it's still as red as it was!!! I like it but almost regret it.. Lol. Hope this helped! :)

Is there an IPAD app that lets you order prints either by mail or pickup?

from Walmart, Rite-Aid, CVS or even order them from fuji or Kodak directly. Snapfish has Iphone but not ipad app, and nothing seems to just be a simple order prints option?

My bf are planned on getting married at the courthouse in may .On our 5 year anniversary will be legally ?

Married On that date upon leaving the court house? we plan on renewing our vows on the excat date 2yrs late saving to have a ceremony can we renew our on that same day as well?

Why do one get head spin?? when one gets it first time ,does it recur again and again?

I claim to be healthy and i workout everyday and diet. Just recently my work got heavy and in the evening , my head started spinning even though i am enjoying my work however hectic is it.I controlled myself not to faint.And i vowed that this would never happen again.But then , after 2 days , my head again started spinning...i drink juices and eat fruits everyday and my weight is normal..Nevertheless , i got 2 head spins...why is it happening?

Explain a Virgo guy's actions...?

All I can say is that RUN , just RUN... he is not for you, I mean he is just not in to you, he has the typical virgo traits baby...he will play all the mind games and you will keep guessing. Your sign is very delicate as you are sensitive and emotional, you cant cope up with the typical traits of this virgo guy. I have seen virgo guys who are fun loving and funny but remember he is still a virgo. Don't waste your time for this guy he is not worth your time, devotion and energy.. RUN before he destroyes you completely. Find someone else better who will equally love you and will be devoted towards you..I was once with a virgo bf and have few virgo male friends (they are all the same) .. trust me they only love themselves and their mom.. You have no future with this guy because he will never commit and thats for sure. Leave him ..........good luck...:)

Got a hit in back of the head, but mysteriously i have a bump in the front of my head(forehead)explanations?

i was grappling brazilian ju jitzu, and someone accidentally collided his back of his head with mine, and it rocked me for a second, and then i felt a lil amnesia , but than felt fine, could it be a concussion?,, idk, my forehead now is getting super swollen almost like a hematoma, but not quite that big, so i think it might be serious, bump looks lil red.

Help with writing a story?

You could switch it off chapter to chapter but if you didn't want to do that i would say do the girl with amnesia.

How scary is Amnesia The Dark Decent?

It's the scariest game I've ever played, it's not like the jump out scary things. It gets under your skin, like chills literally ran through my spine at one point, i had to take a break. But it's good you should get it.

Use of First aid epuipment?

As used in doctor and nurse professions - are stethoscopes used in certain first aid professions? not meaning to be ridiculous.

When gay marriage opponents say it will cause the collapse of society, do they even really mean it?

"They" Are partially correct. But it will not "cause" the collapse, but along with your other observations, it is a nail in the coffin.

Thinking of starting a charity organization. need advice.?

I'm a retired Master technician and would like to do some charity work for people who are down on their luck who need their cars repaired. (i.e. single parents, welfare, etc.) but, i would need them to prove to me that they are in need of financial aid without invading their privacy. how would I do that? then I would need to get some sort of license for doing this, I'm sure. Any input would be appreciated.

My boyfriend had a traffic accident, and he has slight amnesia, what should I do?

He was hit by a motorbike, and he asked me the same questions over and over again. I'm very worried about him, and I really don't know what to do..

Friday, August 5, 2011

Please rate this SAT essay?

Love it, very interesting, but I have just one question - what if some day Malcolm find someone trustworthy and doesn't trust him? Would he stay alone for ever? No human being is supposed to stay alone...

Will the amd radeon hd 6970 play the high end games at max settings with good fps?

the witcher, the witcher 2, crysis, crysis warhead, amnesia the dark descent, s.t.a.l.k.e.r. call of pripyat, starcraft 2. at max settings with good fps

Is it alright to get a spray tan after a few weeks of getting a belly piercing?

its healing perfectly fine once i plan the spray tan it will most likely be 6 or 5 weeks of having the belly piercing which is about a month yes i have been cleaning the piercing everyday twice a day with the sea salt solution I do not touch the piercing only when im cleaning it but i was curious if i could like wrap a band aid onto the piercing or something like that when getting a spray tan, as well is a 4 month old nose ring fine when getting the spray tan? thank you for a answer if anyone does reply.

I had a concussion yesterday and I am scared. Am i going to be okay?

I had a minor concussion yesterday after falling off of my longboard and hitting the back of my head on the pavement. I went to the hospital, but the doctor didn't seem concerned because I had no amnesia and did not feel nauseous. Today, I am not in pain, but my vision is still a bit odd and I feel a mild throbbing sensation on the back of my head. I can't stop worrying and I just want to be back to normal again...Can anybody shed some light on my situation? Is this normal? Will I be okay?

Long legged riders: Riding horses with small barrels?

I hear ya! I'm 5'10. I ride stocky qh's and paints primarily who are all around 14h unless their rope horses but back when I had to ride the narrower horses (used to ride hunters, eq horses and jumpers) I would jack up my stirrups a few holes, and sink deep in that heel which automatically gave me a tighter leg (something you could try, definitely helped me). It feels odd since your not used to having that tighter leg, just keep with it, you'll adjust.

Do I have multiple personalities?

My friend, do not expect people in the psychology field to want to help you, they are in a business and if you don't accept that you might end up in an unpleasant situation...

I havnt slept in 3 days (repost edit)?

I work till midnight usually and get to bed between 3-5am, last night I took sleep aid and it did not work, I am still awake and I ocassionally fall asleep for an hr and wake back up, I noticed that when I wake up, my heart is beating really fast and I'm super exausted. Once I post this itwill not let me edit bcuz I'm on my phone but I am 18, could this be serious

I have some questions! PLEASE ANSWER! 10 points!?

Gaming laptops are usually big, and don't surf very fast. They usually cost $1500+. Now if you wanted a fast, thin laptop, you could get a normal laptop and get a new graphics card and a RAM upgrade. Then you could run games and surf pretty fast. That's what I did with my Compaq presario notebook, and it runs games pretty well. I can only have a few at a time though, but I can still surf the interwebs pretty fast.

Dying my hair with Kool-Aid?

What the ****? are you for real? This couldn't be real. Why the **** would you dye your hair with a kids fruit punch?!

Can someone give me some good horror games, i want games that will run well and smoothly on my pc, thanks?

i mainly want games that are lyk survival horror lyk resident evil, not 4 or 5 buh the remake. i like games that have a good storyline but also scare the **** out of you, also maybe a game lyk amnesia or a 1st personshooter

Why aren't I falling asleep yet?

I took some percogesic earlier. I took two tablets, so that's 650 mg of acetaminophen and 25 mg of diphenhydramine. Usually antihistamines make me fall asleep really fast, why isn't working? I never take them just as sleep-aid, it's always for something else, but then I get drowsy. I'm almost just like wide awake now, not tired at all.

If one has amnesia and starts to regain their old memories will they remember what happened while amnesiac?

If you have amnesia, will you remember what you were doing after you lost your memories, after you get back your memories from before?

Pell Grant eligibility?

I recently applied for financial aid. I was told that I was not eligible for the pell grant because my income was too high for the year. I have been collecting unemployment for half of the year. I have a friend who told me that if I collect unemployment there is a way to zero out my income for the year, making me eligible for the grant. Has anyone heard of this?

What should i do about my marriage ?? so lost?

I need help.......i basicly moved alway from my hometown for my husband about 20 hours away .....not happy here nor r my kids ,no family i cant work cause of his work n no babysitter basicly have to ask him for everything n get bitched at in process n its only food im buying ,i made vows for better or worse but i cant take it anymore we have had a trouble realtionship in past n i feel if i leave i give up everthing i fought for but i dont know what im fighting for anymore or if it even worth it ,if i go home my old job that i loved is waiting for me so is my family n friends ,he says if i go bac were over cause he never wants to go bac again.........we gave everthing away we owned before we moved here n its been 4 months n we still have nothing n we r gonna lose more if i dont get bac to work.........what do i do ????

Whats wrong with my period?

i used the bathroom and i saw this blood clot so i put on a pad and when i looked in it it was just this lil brown spot but my period felt like it was coming on but it hasn't yet so i took the pad off and now i got a light brown discharge its not sticky or nothing should i be worried but i almost had sex once because they guy broke my wall but that was it and the doctor said im still a virgin because he didn't go in im relieved cus i vowed not to have sex till marriage it was peer pressure but should i be worried he used a condom and it didnt break

Sexual relationship with teacher ended after i fell pregnant?

Well you both are adult, but I dont know about your rules in school. Maybe he can be laid off from work, I dont know.

Getting married without wedding rings?? Your thoughts?

My girlfriend and I are planning to elope this summer, marry in secret without the knowledge of family and friends. Neither of us have a lot of money, and wearing rings would probably give rise to suspicion from others. I know my girlfriend really wants a ring, and so do I. But it almost seems best to never get them. Should our vows be enough to symbolize our love and lifelong commitment to eachother? Is it weird that we don't have rings, even if we want them? I just don't want to short-change our day, and am afraid not having rings will make it less meaningful. Not only that, members of the opposite sex will think we're single. Your thoughts?

Story Idea! Introduction Included, Please Read?

I think you have much potential in your writing style. Keep it going. Don't adjust your writing unless it is found deep within you to do so. You seemingly express yourself well.

My dark past of cutting still haunting me?

What you need is a hobby. Something you would, or already do really enjoy. Write, draw make films or sport. Find something, but make sure you like it!

What are some Scary Games?

The Suffering for the original Xbox is pretty scary when i was 13 so i can't imagine it was any less scary now. graphics are pretty good as well.

He used to hate me but now he says he loves me?

I met him back in eighth grade. He was sitting in the office cause he's a bad kid and I was an office aid cause I'm a good kid. I was instantly drawn to him. I said to myself "I have to meet him" So I found out we had a mutual friend and he introduced us to each other. We started to like each other. I asked him out. We dated for 3 days. I was only 13 then so I was dumb and told him I love him and wanted to marry him so he broke up with me and stopped talking to me and called me a stalker. In ninth grade we became friends but he was so mean to me. He always called me ugly, stalker, slut. He would make fun of me in front of everybody and say he hopes I get hit by a car. He even got me to do his work for him and pay for his lunch everyday. He moved to Texas about 6 months ago. I just added him on facebook and he called me and said he misses me and that my pictures look nice, he even told me he loves me and that he wants me to come visit him. He said when he's 17 in too years he's moving back and wants to marry me and have kids with me. He also said he doesn't want me talking to no other guys. I was so happy. But I don't know, should I trust him? That this is real and it'll last?