Sunday, August 7, 2011

What does Ivy Sedation Feel Like?

I am in the dental field. I.V. Sedation (Intravenous Sedation) is different for everyone. I have been put on it and can tell you my experience. It depends how much they give you. You are not completely "out", you will be awake at all times so you can respond to commands such as "open/close" or "turn your head" or "are you ok?" but you won't necessarily remember anything. My first time I was put on it during getting my wisdom teeth taken out. I didn't remember a thing. Just falling "asleep" and waking up again. My second time I was a dental assistant getting a little filling done and wanted to have it given to me, but the dosage was not nearly as much as the first time. I remember bits and pieces but that's about it. They will give you enough so that you won't remember the procedure. Afterwards you feel SO loopy! You won't be able to drive, you will say funny things, and you will be tired. Have someone videotape you as you are walking out and getting in the car. Have you ever watched "David goes to the dentist" on youtube? Haha you should. :-)

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