Friday, August 12, 2011

What do you think of the beginning of this book?

The book is about a girl who is a demigod but is a changeling so she dosen't know it yet. She has a protector who is also a demigod.the first book is all about how she finds out who she really is, and she has to make the decision between standing with the demigods who want to help their parents (the gods) or those who wish to stand against them and destroy them. This is the prologue I have always had these awful dreams, well not really dreams it is always the same dream over and over again. It started when I was 10 years old after the first of my disappearances. The weird thing is I can never remember what exactly happens. The first time all I remember was hearing something tapping on my window and the next thing I knew I was sitting on my steps with my mom crying and screaming that I had been gone for 3 weeks. That was the night I first had the dream. The dream is always the same, I am walking towards something but it keeps moving away and every time I almost see what is I wake up screaming. It wasn’t so bad at first I would only have the dream maybe once a month. Then I disappeared again, that time all I remember is walking to school and hearing something call my name and then everything went blank until I woke up on that same sidewalk. That time I had been gone for 5 weeks. My mom took me to the doctors and they said I had amnesia. That night the dream came back but this time I was running to whatever it was and I got a glimpse of it. It was a boy about my age, but when I woke up that was all I could remember. This time I had the dream about once a week. I was only 12 years old then. Then on my 15th birthday I was at a friend’s house when my last disappearance happened this time I didn’t remember a thing except waking up in my own backyard that time I was gone for only 2 weeks. For a few weeks I didn’t have the dream anymore I thought I was free. Then one night it came back except this time I was sprinting full speed to find the boy and again I would get a glimpse of him. But when I woke all I could remember was that he had vivid green eyes. From then on whenever I saw boy my age with green eyes I would do a double take but they were never him. I always wondered what the dreams were about and why I kept disappearing. Little did I know I would find out in little less than a month.

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