Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Should I meet up with him?

I met this guy online and he seems sweet he is very attractive he is 22 and I am 20 he lives in California and I live in Chicago. He tells me he daydreams about me and about meeting and spending time together. I do too. We haven't known eachother for long but by the time I go to Cali we will have known eachother a good amount of time. The thing is he talks about making love playfully. I am a virgin and he had a 5 year old daughter. I'm excited to go and have the adventure and meet him but I'm afraid he would have expectations of me to sleep with him? Now I want to but I have vowed to save sex for marriage but I'm afraid if I go there and things happen then things happen. I'm not sure what to do a part of me wants the freedom and adventure of experience an the other side feels guilt and tells me to stop what do I do?

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