Sunday, August 7, 2011

Do you support Mages or Templars? (Dragon Age 2)?

As previously stated, this is addressed to players of Dragon Age 2. (Spoiler Alerts Follow) Simply by playing through the first act, it doesn't take a genius to deduce that the templars and mages are tearing apart Kirkwall. Not all mages are evil true enough, but there are enough maleficar running about causing sufficient chaos to make people fear them for justifiable reasons. I have heard the "they only turn to blood magic in defense" argument, but certainly enough has been gathered from doing side quests that many of them truly are dangerous and power hungry; Tahrone desired to overthrow Kirkwall and destroy the templars, as did Grace who, even though some were gracious enough to spare her (including me), continued to desire the complete destruction of the Templars and the domination of Kirkwall by mages. It's sad that many of them truly are good people, but simply setting them free is highly impractical, and will likely result in another Tevinter Imperium; how many mages wil simply be satisfied with freedom forever? No mage will ever be free of temptation, no matter how hard they may resist it. The reason alone that not all mages are evil and power hungry is reason enough to classify Fenris as foolish in my opinion: judging an entire group based on the actions of some of them is not wise at all, no matter how difficult a past the judging person may have had. Similarly, not all templars are pure evil: even Bethany (if she is forced into the circle) admits that she respects the Templars and most of them are simply doing a job, and are actually polite. The worst one I've seen throughout the campaign is Ser Alrik: he was truly evil I'll admit since, if I'm correct, he made mages tranquil so he could rape them. However, even the prejudiced Ser Cullen changed his habits in the end (if you side with the Templars, he advocates sparing mages that have surrendered despite Meredith's objections), he also had enough courage to stand up to her in the end. Ser Thrask was also actually a very good person; he sympathizes with the mages' plight and he even has a daughter who is a mage; he also ends up leading a rebellion against Meredith and pays with his life and wanted to spare the renegade mages from Starkhaven. The reason alone that there are actually some good Templars in the world is, similarly with Fenris, enough to classify Anders as a fool. He truly believes freedom for mages is simple; he believes killing Templars is completely justifiable in every case, and even advocates it; there is no better example that the mages are no better than the Templars than Anders, he stooped to "their level" by blowing up a Chantry with innocent people inside; he is basically a Jihadist, no matter how good a person he may have been before the "Justice Incident". For the record, I sided with the mages in the end, mostly because the Circle was blameless in the destruction of the Chantry, and murdering them all wasn't something I felt comfortable with. Thusly, if my Warden/Hawke is ever elected as Supreme Ruler of Thedas (crosses fingers) this would be my plan. The Circle would become more of a school than a prison/home, educating mages in the beneficial application of their power as opposed to evil application. Once the mages have graduated, they may move back home, start a family, etc..., maybe even receive financial aid from the Chantry to start out. The Templars would enact some minor supervision, such as occasional inspections or curfew; as nice as it would be, absolute freedom is not practical and therefore middle ground must be found. The Tranquil idea would be completely thrown out; the mages will stay in the tower until they are truly prepared to complete their Harrowings; Tranquility is truly cruel. Feel free to leave your opinions/ideas, and I thank you if you took the time to read what was basically an essay :)

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