Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I HATE my High school. What should I do?

I went to one school from Pre-K through 9th grade and liked it well enough that I didn't want to move school. My parents however were not happy about the admins or something(I still don't know) and they moved me to a different school for my sophomore year. I should add BTW that I visited and told my parents that I didn't like it and they didn't care and moved me anyway. I just finished my Junior year at that school. This year was worse than the last. I was bullied more than I ever had been before and the admins didn't do much even though my parents were up there tons of times. The new teachers they hired(of which I had four this year) were all terrible and my parents knew it. They lost the entire Science department this year and have to start over. However, my parents still will not consider moving me back to my old school. They have offered looking at other schools but not my old one. Even getting me an apartment in a city 1.5 hrs away form here. Oh and I have very few friends at the new school and a bunch at the old school. I have told them and told them that I want to go back to my old school and be with my friends who I have known like forever and graduate with the kids that I like and who like me. Its for one year, Money is not the problem, They are both private schools, The bulling that happened at the new school was very hurtful. I can't even begin to explain. I have walked out of that school so many times vowing to never return but yet my parents still will not consider the old school. I would like to hope that I still have a chance as we have to decided by June 30, 2011. Please Help! I am desperate to get my parents to finally see what is going on!

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